Innovation and product development

Accelerate growth through innovation.

Put people at the heart of your innovation 

Propel business growth with agile consumer feedback solutions built for each stage of the innovation and product development lifecycle.


Idea screening

Shortlist the best ideas 

Identify the highest potential ideas with consumer feedback so you know which ones to take forward to concept development.

Idea screening

AI-powered concept testing
AI-powered concept testing 

Predict in-market performance for early innovation concepts

Screen up to 100 concepts simultaneously with a powerful AI model trained on survey data from real consumer concept tests. Test what would have not been tested, getting feedback on more concepts earlier on in the development process, opening up new growth opportunities.

AI-powered concept testing

Concept testing
Concept testing 

Fine tune high-potential concepts 

Prioritise concepts that resonate with consumers and demonstrate long-term growth potential. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of each so you know how to take them to the next level.


Concept testing 

Package design screening and testing

Make sure your packaging will stand out on shelf 

Quickly evaluate packaging to ensure it will appeal to consumers and deliver on brand expectations.


Pack screening and testing

LaunchEvaluate dashboard
Post-launch innovation testing

Refine your product launch strategy

Uncover the ‘why’ behind your launch performance. Capitalise on early successes and course-correct quickly to ensure future growth. 


Post-launch innovation testing 


Check circle

Benefit from proven methods 

Choose from validated solutions that reliably indicate a new product’s impact on sales and brand-building. 
Dashboard icon

Be in command of your insights 

View and analyse results using an intuitive dashboard that allows you to access past tests and track results over time. 
Strong arm icon

Innovate with confidence 

Solutions designed to guide you through your entire innovation lifecycle, with global availability and expert support.
Lightening bolt icon

Move at the speed of business 

Get rapid, cost-effective results, so you can innovate with confidence and move as fast as your business demands. 
Innovation and product development eBook
Agile innovation testing
Accelerate brand growth with rapid consumer feedback.
Download your guide