As people’s media behaviour continues to evolve in the face of the pandemic, brands struggle to stay relevant. Great advertising needs great media environments, but understanding the quality of a media placement is becoming increasingly complex.
During the pandemic, many budgets were squeezed and marketers turned to media brands they trusted. The winning brands and platforms were those that were quick to adapt and innovate. As we emerge into a new media landscape, brands need to understand which consumer and marketer attitudes have changed, and which stayed the same. Which media brands retained their appeal? And which have grown stronger?
Media Reactions is an annual study that explores the evolving media landscape. The 2021 study is based on interviews with 14,500 consumers covering over 290 brands in 23 markets and more than 900 marketers around the world.
Join our webinar on 9 September to find out how consumers and marketers perceive media channels and brands, how perceptions have changed over the past 12 months, and how to stay relevant in the evolving media landscape.
Media experts from Kantar will share findings from the study and discuss three strategic dilemmas facing marketers today:
- The digital dilemma: How can you maximise consumer engagement in an increasingly digital world?
- The global/local dilemma: How can you balance the benefits of scale from global media platforms with the promise of greater relevance from local media gems?
- The innovator’s dilemma: How can you get the balance right between trustworthy and innovative environments to appeal to your audience?