Kantar Terms and Conditions
Dear Supplier,
Please see our Kantar Terms & Conditions below.
Acceptance of these Terms is required to become a provider of goods and/or services to Kantar. Prospective vendors must also complete a new vendor setup form in order to receive POs and submit invoices for payment to Kantar. A link to this form can be provided by an approved Kantar employee and will go for internal approval checks prior to issuing a PO. Any invoices submitted without a valid PO shall not be paid.
Kantar PO Terms (For use in countries other than US and UK) English Version
Translated versions of the Kantar PO Terms (for use in countries other than US and UK)
For ease of reference, translated copies of the above Kantar PO Terms (For use in countries other than US and UK) are provided below. If there are any discrepancies between the meaning of the translations below and the English version, the English version shall take precedence.
Translation Kantar PO Terms French Language
Translation Kantar PO Terms German Language
Translation Kantar PO Terms Chinese Mandarin Language
Translation Kantar PO Terms Japanese Language
Translation Kantar PO Terms Spanish Language
Translation Kantar PO Terms Portuguese Language
Translation Kantar PO Terms Portuguese Brasil Language