In Latin America, going green(er) is good for business

Environmental awareness is a growing trend. Discover the key findings on conscious consumption in Latin America.
25 June 2021

Latam LinkQ Director, Worldpanel Division, Kantar

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As we enter the United Nations Ecosystem Restoration Decade, lasting from 2021 until 2030, how can FMCG brands and manufacturers understand how shoppers’ attitudes are changing towards conscious consumption?

Our exclusive insights, based on our Who Cares, Who Does? study, show how brands may improve their perceived image through their environmental actions.

Shoppers are willing to buy the brands they believe are significant and purposeful. In Latin America, environmentally-committed shoppers – classified as Eco-Actives and Eco-Considerers – are already a majority. And this segment is larger than the global average.

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Brands must pay close attention to them, in order to position their values and messaging – and then successfully secure a special place in consumers’ baskets. 3 of the most chosen brands in 2020 are also perceived as the most sustainable, both in all brick-and-mortar shopping channels and online.

Education to raise awareness

Another important finding is that educating shoppers has become an important strategy. Not always are environmental concepts clear to consumers, such as recycling: 57% of all Latin American consumers are not sure what happens to the items dropped off for recycling.

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Check out the complete study, Who Cares, Who Does? to learn more about the changes in the way people consume, and fill in the form below to download a PDF with extra insights.

Contact us for a conversation focused on the new opportunities that have emerged over the past year.

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Who Cares? Who Does?

Get data on real purchasing behaviour to learn how the different Eco Segmentations behave, as well as their concerns, triggers, and barriers.
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