Webinar: How the COVID-19 crisis is transforming FMCG and retail – a global omnichannel view

Our global omnichannel research enables us to provide a unique picture of retail and shopper dynamics before and during the lockdown.
11 June 2020
Stéphane Roger

Global Shopper & Retail Director, Spain

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COVID-19 has brought unparalleled changes to FMCG, impacting how we shop, what products we buy, how we use them and most significantly where we shop.

Our most comprehensive global omnichannel research yet, based on data from across 52 countries, enables us to provide a unique picture of retail and shopper dynamics before and during the lockdown. We are also starting to understand which of these changes will be permanent.

In this webinar, Stéphane Roger, Global Retail and Shopper Director, will share with you the main findings that will help FMCG players navigate the new retail environment.

Register for the webinar:

Thursday 18 June, 1100 (CEST)

Thursday 18 June, 1700 (CEST)


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We monitor FMCG purchases and trends across all retail channels, through the biggest consumer panels globally.