PoweRanking 2020: Agility amid ambiguity

Kantar’s annual industry benchmarking report identifies US retailers and suppliers that set the standard of performance, ranked by their trading partners.
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Patrick Fellin

Head of Consulting, Analytics, and Shopper Solutions

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Our world changed in unimaginable ways in 2020. As we went to press this time last year with our 2019 edition of Kantar PoweRanking, Climate Shift, it would have been impossible to envision the kind of global disruption that lay ahead of us. Now as we publish our 24th edition in the twilight of a wearying 2020, America grapples with two urgent developments.

First, COVID-19 is surging again, with infection rates and the number of people hospitalized rising to the highest levels ever recorded.

Second, recently announced breakthroughs indicate that promising vaccines are nearing approval.

These opposing dynamics mirror the tension of the greater pandemic narrative — heartbreaking devastation to lives and businesses, yet the steadfast resilience of a country determined to persevere. In between these twin extremes lies one of the central themes for PoweRanking 2020, one we heard repeatedly from the retail and manufacturing leaders we surveyed: ambiguity.

Arising from the theme of ambiguity were key questions posed by retailers and manufacturers:

  1. How will shopping evolve?
  2. How must the Retailer/Manufacturer relationship change?
  3. How long will ambiguity continue, and what will be the new normal if and when the pandemic is over?
  4. What retail disruptions will ultimately prove transitory, and which ones will endure?

Throughout the PoweRanking 2020 report, we provide context and clarity to these questions while identifying best-in-class partners across the retailer and manufacturer ecosystem. We encourage you to download the executive summary to uncover key findings and connect with pricing for the complete report.

Snapshot of Top Five Trading Partners

Snapshot of Top Five Trading Partners

Download the Executive Summary

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