In an era of disruption, brands face an imperative to move from ambition to action on sustainability.
To maintain and build brand value, companies face the challenge of converting corporate sustainability strategies into clear brand actions that connect with consumers. To do this, businesses need to start by understanding the issues of relevance to consumers in their sector.
Our Sustainability Sector Index 2022 provide insights into evolving consumer attitudes to sustainability in 38 sectors across 32 countries and is based on more than 33,000 interviews.
During the session our Kantar Sustainability team will provide insights into evolving consumer attitudes to sustainability and reveal new findings from the Sustainability Sector Index 2022, covering 38 sectors across 32 countries and based on more than 33,000 interviews.
In APAC, we cover 11 markets based on 11,000 interviews in: Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
Join us for the webinar where we will discuss:
1. How to address sustainability in Asia in an era of disruption
2. The consumer-based Progressive Business Model
3. Different roles that sectors can play through the lens of critical environmental and social topics in Asia
4. Overcoming hurdles to drive mass market adoption through bravery and boldness of action
Jonathan Hall
Head of Sustainable Transformation Practice
Trezelene Chan
Head of Sustainable Transformation Practice
Kantar, Singapore
Sharon Temudo
Client Partner, Brand Strategy & Innovation
Kantar, Singapore
Anja Milosavljevic
Brand Strategy Lead
Kantar, Singapore

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