Good designs. Trusted Insights.

2023 marked a pivotal moment in online research, with over half of the world’s surveys now completed on mobile devices. Traditional survey design often focuses on PC screens, offering ample space for detailed questions. However, mobile survey design demands a different approach, prioritising every pixel and adapting to the smaller, portrait-oriented screens of mobile devices.

What's the impact of not optimising designs for mobile?

  1. High dropout rates: Dropout rates are 38% higher from mobile devices than desktops; in fact, 1 in 4 people who start a mobile survey will drop out today.
  2. Fewer clicks: There are upwards of 20% fewer clicks on questions with more than a screens worth of option choices.
  3. Lower attention rates: We observe an average 16% failure rate of a typical trap question from mobile compared to 11% on desktop.

This guide delves into the essentials of effective mobile survey design. Fill out the form to access it now.

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