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Marketing Effectiveness

Transforming ROI through holistic marketing effectiveness programmes

Increase your effectiveness muscle with support from Kantar's dedicated Marketing Effectiveness Practice.

Work with a multi-disciplinary team of effectiveness experts to discover your opportunities to enhance commercial return of your marketing. Get support with specific opportunity areas, or gain inspiration on how to build a best in class end to end marketing effectiveness programme."

Marketing Effectiveness Practice

Build a best-in-class marketing effectiveness programme

Proving ROI is marketers' number 1 priority, yet confidence in how to achieve that can be low. The constant pressure to demonstrate results while achieving more with less creates a headache for many marketers. Sound familiar? We combine expertise across Brand Strategy, Creative and Media excellence, Measurement and ROI and Organisational Change and Embedding to help find solutions to the effectiveness challenges of world leading brands.




Key Features

Connected Expertise

Transform your effectiveness fortunes with expert support across the marketing effectiveness spectrum. Find unique opportunities to amplify your effectiveness performance such as connecting creative excellence insights and ROI expertise start to demonstrate the commercial contribution of your creative quality. 

Driving Adoption of AI in Marketing Effectiveness

Go from theory to practice with proven use cases of how to adopt AI to enhance your marketing effectiveness. From AI powered econometrics providing granular and predictive insights, through to scaling your knowledge on creative excellence through AI driven creative assessment.

Prove the commercial impact of marketing:

Draw on leading expertise in analytics and brand equity and value to demonstrate the short and long term contribution of your marketing efforts and help optimise spends for best returns.


Some of the brands we work with

cadbury    KFC    loreal  TSB   unilever

Case studies