Optimise Brand Positioning
With a focus on emotion, NeedScope provides the direction you need to differentiate your brand positioning and deliver a consistent experience across touchpoints. Its validated psychology-based framework and unique tools, including AI, help you build irresistible brands that drive strategic and competitive advantage.
Key features
Unique, projective approach
Understand the functional, identity and emotional needs in your market and how best to access them.
Building irresistible brands
Stand out and drive competitive advantage by evaluating your brand and the competition on four proven principles of irresistibility.
A world-class solution
NeedScope has helped build irresistible brands and drive brand growth in more than 15,000 studies across 115 markets.
Irresistible brands are every marketer’s goal. They evoke powerful consumer desire, which makes choosing them inevitable and competing with them difficult. NeedScope understands the real drivers of irresistible brands and helps marketers build these into their brand image.
The result is a powerful brand strategy successfully delivered through the marketing process.
NeedScope answers the following critical questions:
- What does or should my brand stand for?
- How can my brand win and grow in the category?
- How do I align every touchpoint to a consistent ambition?
- How can I check my brand is on track for its desired positioning?
BrandZ shows that brands that effectively communicate a clear sense of purpose have the potential to outperform their competitors. And 85% of consumers think it is important to buy from companies that support causes in which they believe. NeedScope shows you how to most effectively communicate your desired purpose to your target audience, and helps you understand how well it resonates.
NeedScope answers the following critical questions:
- What purpose should my brand stand for?
- What expression of purpose best aligns with my brand ambition?
- How can I execute purpose in a truly differentiated way?
- How can I leverage my portfolio to have the biggest impact through purpose?
To evaluate and evolve your brand image and portfolio, or identify new opportunities, we build a model to express your category. We size each need state, determining how many people or occasions are within each. We then plot how brands deliver against these needs to identify unmet needs and opportunities for growth.
We help you address any proximities or overlaps in positioning amongst your existing portfolio – and drive differentiation from the competition. A gap in the brand landscape where no brands are present highlights potential innovation opportunities.
NeedScope answers the following critical questions:
- How can I optimise my brand or product portfolio?
- How can I identify and size the best opportunities to grow my portfolio?