Expectations of Suppliers
As a global business, Kantar holds itself and our valued supply chain partners to the highest ethical and professional standards.
In all instances we respect national and international laws, such as the UK Bribery Act and US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and follow industry codes of conduct. More than this, we do the right things to create a safe, inclusive, respectful environment where we can all flourish. We behave ethically, lawfully and with integrity.
Kantar’s Policies
As a current or future supplier of Kantar, please refer to our key policies, terms and conditions and supplier onboarding process – which ensures that we maintain our adherence to compliance standards.
Adhering to these policies is a mandatory part of becoming a supply partner to Kantar, so if you have any questions, then please contact us at procurement@kantar.com
Kantar’s supplier onboarding due diligence
Kantar conducts supplier due diligence checks and risk assessments on all new suppliers entering the business in a transparent, consistent, and fair manner.
All suppliers will be required to sign up to Kantar’s Supplier Code of Conduct, which includes confirmation that they are in compliance with Modern Slavery and Child Labour clauses.
Kantar’s supplier risk assessment processes
All suppliers, new and existing, will be risk assessed by Kantar on a periodic basis and where new goods and services are procured.
If any alerts are raised via Kantar’s third-party risk screening platforms indicating potential risks or non-compliance, suppliers may be asked to provide further assurances related to their financial stability and/or adherence to key compliance areas.
These areas include sanctions, politically exposed persons (PEP), adverse media, anti-bribery & corruption and data & cyber security etc.
For further details of Kantar’s mandatory requirements for supplier due diligence and risk assessment criteria please contact us for more information at procurement@kantar.com
Working with Kantar
Inclusion & Diversity
If you are a diverse business and interested in working with Kantar, please register your details here SupplierOne. By submitting your information, you will be entered into our database. If we have an opportunity related to your submission, we will contact your organization for further information. A submission to the database does not guarantee a business opportunity.
See how you can work with Kantar in our emissions reductions initiatives by consulting our Sustainable Procurement Framework.