Welcome to the Kantar Family

As a current or future supplier of Kantar, please refer to our key policies, terms and conditions and supplier onboarding process – which ensures that we maintain our adherence to compliance standards.

Adhering to these policies is a mandatory part of becoming a supply partner to Kantar, so if you have any questions, then please contact us at procurement@kantar.com

Doing business with a Kantar entity based outside UK, Ireland and North America? Find our other supplier information pages at the links below:



Here are the main steps you can expect, and the Kantar contacts you can use:

Find all supplier interaction areas below

Kantar Supplier Record Setup 
Click here

Actions you need to take

  1. Your Kantar business contact will initiate the new Kantar Supplier set-up with the information you have provided.
  2. Our Procurement team will review the new supplier request. If approved, you will receive an email “Update your profile” from do_not_reply@kantar.coupahost.com.
  3. Click the link in the email and complete all fields in the ‘Supplier information Management form’ (SIM), including your bank details. This is required to activate your Supplier Record and link it to Coupa. 

In the case that additional information or validation is needed, we will contact you via email or phone.

Note: Phone calls will come from a +351 Country code.


What you will receive

Once your supplier record is complete, you will receive two emails:

  • “Welcome to the Kantar family” with information about transacting with Kantar
  • As a current or future supplier of Kantar, please refer to our key policies, terms and conditions and supplier onboarding process – which ensures that we maintain our adherence to compliance standards. Adhering to these policies is a mandatory part of becoming a supply partner to Kantar. If you have any questions, please contact us at procurement@kantar.com
    Add the text For low-expense purchases (annual expenditures less than $25,000) or other exceptions, please click here.
  • “Create your Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP) account” which is required to invoice Kantar

Note: Your CSP account once set up, is private to your business. Kantar cannot access this data.

If you have questions throughout this process, please contact the supplier master data team, using the email Vendors@kantar.com.

Please remember that all information and supporting documents must be provided via the SIM form.

Kantar Supplier Risk Assessment
Get in touch

Policy and contacts 

All suppliers will be required to sign up to Kantar’s Supplier Code of Conduct, which includes confirmation that they follow Modern Slavery and Child Labour compliance clauses. 

All suppliers, new and existing, will be risk assessed by Kantar on a periodic basis and where new goods and services are procured.  

Email us at kantarsupplierrisk@kantar.com for any risk-related queries.

When a Risk Assessment might be requested:

  • If any alerts are raised via Kantar’s risk screening platforms indicating potential risks or non-compliance, suppliers may be asked to provide further assurances related to their financial stability and/or adherence to key compliance areas.  

  • These areas include sanctions, politically exposed persons, adverse media, anti-bribery & corruption and data & cyber security etc.  
Coupa Supplier Portal Setup
Get in touch

Kantar Guides to Coupa

  • New to Coupa: Setting up your entity on CSP (PDF / Video)
  • The basics: Navigating the CSP & creating reports and notifications (PDF/ Video)
  • Interacting with, and getting paid by, Kantar: View & Acknowledge PO, Invoicing & Credit note (PDF)
  • Associate a new email address with an existing Coupa user account (PDF)

  • Coupa’s Multi-factor Authentication (PDF)

  • Inviting additional users to access your CSP account (PDF)
  • Selling your services to Kantar: Hosting your catalogue (PDF / Video)

  • Coupa Advanced Instructions (PDF)

  • Disputed Invoice Instructions (PDF)


Official Coupa resources

Watch this short video for an introduction to Coupa and find out more about it’s features and benefits. Please note, some features and benefits mentioned in the Coupa User guide are disabled in Kantar Coupa supplier Portal.

CSP Videos - Coupa Success Portal 

There’s also a handy User Guide: Coupa Success Portal that you can refer to any time. The Coupa Help Pages have useful links to specific process such as ‘Setting up e-Invoicing’ and ‘creating invoices’. 

If you find any issues with your CSP activities with Kantar please contact coupasupplierenablement@kantar.com

Frequently asked questions
If you have a query please look through our FAQs, if you still can’t find the answer you’re looking for please drop us an email and we will do our best to help