How well do you know the COVID-19 shopper?

Since COVID-19, shoppers in the U.S. have expanded their retailer set, tested new fulfilment methods, and re-prioritized elements of the retail experience...
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commerce snapshot
Leigh O'Donnell

Vice President, Consulting Division

Ted Riedel

Executive Vice President, Consulting Division, Americas

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Uncovering new shopper segments in the time of COVID-19

Never in modern times has shopper behavior shifted this dramatically, this quickly, and without a clear playbook as it has during COVID-19. Shoppers are stressed, purchasing behavior is in flux, and new patterns are emerging. As the pandemic continues, retailers and manufacturers must understand these shifting priorities to attract switching shoppers and create lasting loyalty.

COVID Commerce Infographic snapshot

Download the full infographic here.

The first wave of the COVID-19 Commerce Snapshot study will help you understand the current US shopper landscape. By segmenting affected shoppers, we’ve provided a snapshot of current behavior with a lens toward the future. Complete the form below to dive deeper into the study details, key findings, and tangible next steps for the retail community.

Download the Executive Summary

Listen to Leigh talk through key findings from the COVID-19 Commerce Snapshot on the latest episode of Retail Sound Bites and watch the COVID-19 Commerce Snapshot webinar on demand.

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Fact-based, forward-looking analysis on key retailers, channels, markets through retail and shopper insights.  
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