How do you optimize marketing investments to increase demand?

Automotive NA Case Study Image
Our client wanted to understand how to optimize media investments to course correct against increasing incentive spend and decreasing brand equity.


To identify the impact of Marketing on short-term sales along with measuring the value of changes in brand equity, producing long-term growth:

  • What is the Total ROI of Marketing?
  • What is the ROI of Brand vs. Retail Investment? What is the right balance?
  • What is the ROI by Marketing Tactic?
  • What is the Optimal Mix of Digital vs. Traditional marketing?
  • What is the result of Media Halo and Full Line advertising?


We quantify impacts of marketing activity on Brand equity and in doing so account for both short- and long-term impacts as part of our analysis.


Television & PR generate highest incremental impact for the brand:

  • TV is most efficient, but is at point of diminishing returns, based on average creative performance
  • More and better-performing TV creative would improve overall media ROI
  • PR has very strong ROI and investment can be increased in PR


Brand opinion and consideration climbed significantly in the last two years, by over 20 points. Attributable to brand-building focus in recent campaigns; TV, OLV and PR are the key drivers of this spike.

Translating to Business Performance Impact:

  • Share growth in relevant segments by 0.8%
  • Brand Opinion contribution to Sales: +5%
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A comprehensive assessment of marketing ROI, measuring short and long-term impact of marketing on sales and brand equity.