Consumer Profiling & Targeting

Connected media consumption, brand usage, attitude and lifestyle data for intelligent consumer profiling and targeting.

Get deep insights about real consumer behavior

Rely on verified data to identify and reach your ideal audience. Segment your customers, and spot gaps in the market.

Access and activate insights easily

Enjoy flexible and simple-to-use analysis tools, and get help reaching those defined audiences when the time comes.

Identify the unique composition of your audience

Whether on print, TV, radio or online, media owners can use our data to show their competitive value to advertisers.

Optimize media planning

Brands, or their agencies, can find the most relevant target audiences against the right advertising activation choices.
Featured solutions
Get relevant and robust data about global and local audiences in an increasingly connected world.
TGI Consumer Analysis is a suite of easy-to-use data analysis tools for accessing connected consumer intelligence.
Enrich your prospect database with TGI consumer data, and enhance your targeting with our audience activation services.
Additional solutions